Family database Juling
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There are 74 individuals with the location Ochtrup in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
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sorted by: Last name Birth Death
ROTERS, Bernard Heinrich * in Ochtrup, + in
BAVING, Hedwig * in Ochtrup, + in
PRIBNOW, Rita * in Ochtrup, + in

LENDRIECKS, Bernd (# 2554 ) * about 1670 in Ochtrup, + in

STRÖING, Joannes (# 1278 ) * about 1690 in , + in
     oo 23.11.1718 in Ochtrup SCHEEPERS, Cath. Elisabeth (# 1279 ) * about 1695 in , + in
LENDRIECKS, Margaretha (# 1277 ) * 21.12.1694 in Ochtrup, + in
     oo 07.11.1718 in Ochtrup ZURHORST, Bernard (# 1276 ) * 19.01.1697 in Ochtrup, + in
SCHEEPERS, Cath. Elisabeth (# 1279 ) * about 1695 in , + in
     oo 23.11.1718 in Ochtrup STRÖING, Joannes (# 1278 ) * about 1690 in , + in
ROOST, Joes (# 1266 ) * about 1695 in , + in
     oo 07.05.1722 in Ochtrup SCHRADER, Catharina (# 1267 ) * about 1700 in , + in
ZURHORST, Bernard (# 1276 ) * 19.01.1697 in Ochtrup, + in
     oo 07.11.1718 in Ochtrup LENDRIECKS, Margaretha (# 1277 ) * 21.12.1694 in Ochtrup, + in

SCHRADER, Catharina (# 1267 ) * about 1700 in , + in
     oo 07.05.1722 in Ochtrup ROOST, Joes (# 1266 ) * about 1695 in , + in
HUESS, Joannes Hermannus (# 1274 ) * 09.06.1703 in Ochtrup, + in
     oo 22.05.1732 in Ochtrup MIELING, Joanna (# 1275 ) * 12.08.1716 in Ochtrup, + in
TETZE, Anna Gertrudis (# 1265 ) * 03.02.1704 in Ochtrup, + in

MIELING, Joanna (# 1275 ) * 12.08.1716 in Ochtrup, + in
     oo 22.05.1732 in Ochtrup HUESS, Joannes Hermannus (# 1274 ) * 09.06.1703 in Ochtrup, + in
POTT, Joannes Henricus (# 636 ) * 18.04.1719 in Ochtrup, + in
     oo 20.09.1754 in Ochtrup HUESS, Anna Catharina (# 637 ) * 10.12.1736 in Ochtrup, + in
STRÖING, Anna Maria (# 639 ) * 07.09.1719 in Ochtrup, + in
     oo 04.08.1744 in Ochtrup ZURHORST, Johannes Theodorus (# 638 ) * 23.02.1721 in Ochtrup, + in

ZURHORST, Johannes Theodorus (# 638 ) * 23.02.1721 in Ochtrup, + in
     oo 04.08.1744 in Ochtrup STRÖING, Anna Maria (# 639 ) * 07.09.1719 in Ochtrup, + in
STRÖING, Joannes Franciscus * 25.06.1721 in Ochtrup, + in
ZURHORST, Johannes Bernardus * 09.02.1723 in Ochtrup, + in
STRÖING, Johannes Gerhardus Hermannus * 22.02.1724 in Ochtrup, + in
ZURHORST, Phennenna * 23.07.1724 in Ochtrup, + in
STRÖING, Joes Bernardus * 07.01.1726 in Ochtrup, + in
ROST, Anna Catharina (# 633 ) * 13.07.1726 in Ochtrup, + in
     oo 17.10.1748 in Ochtrup TÖMMERS, Johannes Hermannus (# 632 ) * 02.10.1730 in Ochtrup, + in
STRÖING, Anna Clara Catharina * 15.01.1727 in Ochtrup, + in
ZURHORST, Phenne Elisabeth * 11.05.1727 in Ochtrup, + in
ZURHORST, Joannes Bernardus * 02.11.1729 in Ochtrup, + in

TÖMMERS, Johannes Hermannus (# 632 ) * 02.10.1730 in Ochtrup, + in
     oo 17.10.1748 in Ochtrup ROST, Anna Catharina (# 633 ) * 13.07.1726 in Ochtrup, + in
ZURHORST, Bernard * 23.02.1731 in Ochtrup, + in
ZURHORST, Henricus * 23.02.1731 in Ochtrup, + in
ROST, Clara Elisabetha Adelheidis * 13.06.1731 in Ochtrup, + in
ZURHORST, Theodorus Hinderich * 27.11.1735 in Ochtrup, + in
HUESS, Anna Catharina (# 637 ) * 10.12.1736 in Ochtrup, + in
     oo 20.09.1754 in Ochtrup POTT, Joannes Henricus (# 636 ) * 18.04.1719 in Ochtrup, + in

TÖMMERS, Johannes Henricus * 01.08.1750 in Ochtrup, + in
ZURHORST, Anna Catharina Gertrudis (# 319 ) * 19.05.1753 in Ochtrup, + in
     oo 21.02.1775 in Ochtrup POTT, Johannes Stephanus (# 318 ) * 05.11.1759 in Ochtrup, + 05.11.1805 in Ochtrup
TÖMMERS, Johannes Hermannus Everhardus (# 316 ) * 12.12.1753 in Ochtrup, + 31.12.1803 in Ochtrup
     oo 01.02.1780 in Ochtrup WIENKAMP, Anna Catharina Adelheydy (# 317 ) * about 1755 in , + in
WIENKAMP, Anna Catharina Adelheydy (# 317 ) * about 1755 in , + in
     oo 01.02.1780 in Ochtrup TÖMMERS, Johannes Hermannus Everhardus (# 316 ) * 12.12.1753 in Ochtrup, + 31.12.1803 in Ochtrup
POTT, Johannes Bernardus * 15.10.1755 in Ochtrup, + in
POTT, Bernardus Henricus * 26.10.1756 in Ochtrup, + in
TÖMMERS, Johannes Casparius * 20.06.1757 in Ochtrup, + in
POTT, Johannes Stephanus (# 318 ) * 05.11.1759 in Ochtrup, + 05.11.1805 in Ochtrup
     oo 21.02.1775 in Ochtrup ZURHORST, Anna Catharina Gertrudis (# 319 ) * 19.05.1753 in Ochtrup, + in

TÖMMERS, Joes Theodorus * 17.02.1764 in Ochtrup, + in
POTT, Gerhard Wilhelm * 11.09.1765 in Ochtrup, + in

POTT, Anna Maria Adelheidis * 15.01.1776 in Ochtrup, + in
POTT, Joannes Theodorus * 01.03.1777 in Ochtrup, + in
POTT, Bernd Henrich * 08.03.1779 in Ochtrup, + in

THÜMMERS, Joes Henricus (# 158 ) * 14.09.1780 in Ochtrup, + 29.12.1834 in Ochtrup
     oo 05.06.1810 in Ochtrup POTT, Catharina Gertrudis (# 159 ) * 19.10.1784 in Ochtrup, + 22.02.1815 in Ochtrup
THÜMMERS, Joes Henricus (# 158 ) * 14.09.1780 in Ochtrup, + 29.12.1834 in Ochtrup
     oo 20.07.1815 in Ochtrup KÜPER, Joanna * in 1786 in , + in
THÜMMERS, Joes Petrus Bernard * 09.07.1782 in Ochtrup, + in
POTT, Catharina Gertrudis (# 159 ) * 19.10.1784 in Ochtrup, + 22.02.1815 in Ochtrup
     oo 05.06.1810 in Ochtrup THÜMMERS, Joes Henricus (# 158 ) * 14.09.1780 in Ochtrup, + 29.12.1834 in Ochtrup
THÜMMERS, Marie Elisabeth * 27.11.1784 in Ochtrup, + in
KÜPER, Joanna * in 1786 in , + in
     oo 20.07.1815 in Ochtrup THÜMMERS, Joes Henricus (# 158 ) * 14.09.1780 in Ochtrup, + 29.12.1834 in Ochtrup
TÖMMERS, Joes Herman * 03.02.1787 in Ochtrup, + in
TÜMMERS, Anna Maria Catharina * 18.05.1788 in Ochtrup, + in

TÖMMERS, Anna Maria * 14.04.1791 in Ochtrup, + in
THÜMMERS, Maria Gertrud * 06.04.1793 in Ochtrup, + in

GELLENBECK, Hermann Johann * 26.03.1806 in Osterbauerschaft, + in USA
     oo 01.09.1834 in Ochtrup RECKERS, Anna Maria * 28.01.1812 in Altenrheine, + in USA

TÖMMERS, Theodorus Henricus * 18.09.1811 in Ochtrup, + in
RECKERS, Anna Maria * 28.01.1812 in Altenrheine, + in USA
     oo 01.09.1834 in Ochtrup GELLENBECK, Hermann Johann * 26.03.1806 in Osterbauerschaft, + in USA
TÖMMERS, Maria Adelheidis (Christina) (# 79 ) * 12.03.1813 in Ochtrup, + before 1877 in Leer bei Horstmar
TÖMMERS, Catharina Elisabeth * 12.01.1815 in Ochtrup, + in
THÖMMERS, Bernhard Henrich * 07.04.1816 in Ochtrup, + 25.07.1818 in Ochtrup

ROTERS, Catharina Anna Maria * 03.06.1840 in Ochtrup, + 11.11.1908 in Dutum
ENGBRING, Hermann Johann * 09.01.1848 in Ochtrup, + 22.01.1905 in Ochtrup
     oo 13.11.1877 in Ochtrup WERNING, Anna Maria * 15.10.1854 in Ochtrup, + 30.12.1889 in Ochtrup

SCHMITTER, Gertrud Franziska * 27.09.1850 in Ochtrup, + 27.02.1925 in Ochtrup
     oo 10.02.1875 in Ochtrup WOLTERS, Bernard Heinrich * 01.05.1851 in Rheine, + 01.09.1890 in Ochtrup
WOLTERS, Bernard Heinrich * 01.05.1851 in Rheine, + 01.09.1890 in Ochtrup
     oo 10.02.1875 in Ochtrup SCHMITTER, Gertrud Franziska * 27.09.1850 in Ochtrup, + 27.02.1925 in Ochtrup
WERNING, Anna Maria * 15.10.1854 in Ochtrup, + 30.12.1889 in Ochtrup
     oo 13.11.1877 in Ochtrup ENGBRING, Hermann Johann * 09.01.1848 in Ochtrup, + 22.01.1905 in Ochtrup
HUES, Catharina * 16.05.1858 in Ochtrup, + in

WOLTERS, Heinrich * 25.11.1882 in Ochtrup, + 14.07.1941 in Dorsten
ENGBRING, Anna Maria * 04.11.1883 in Ochtrup, + 27.10.1971 in Emsdetten
BUSSMANN, Maria Anna * 06.09.1886 in Ochtrup, + 03.01.1964 in Sutrum-Harum
Last update: 10.07.2002
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